William Sansom - Various Temptations - The creeping disease of loneliness forces the hand of a Victorian young lady into the territory of a prostitute murderer which gently suggests a death wish has been achieved.

MS Waddell - The Pale Boy - A childless couple, a yearning woman, a child taken under a wing - the result is death, cannibalism, vampirism - a real cute shocker.

Ray Bradbury - The Emissary - A beautifully written piece from master tale teller this one concerns a sick child, his loyal dog and the dead who just won't stay where they are.

Robert Bloch - Lucy Come To Stay - Optical schizophrenia takes over and a young, enslaved woman does things that seem beyond her belief - psychotic schlock that appeared in the film 'Asylum'.

Richard Davis - Guy Fawkes Night - A brilliant tale told by a third party whose childhood friend has a dark secret regarding his brutal father and the death of his pet dog - the story ignites and a genuine atrocity is revealed.

Vivian Meik - The Two Old Women - Suspicions arise, 2 obscene characters are indulging in mind control, voodoo, black arts - the end is a shape-shifting surprise.

Alexander Woollcott - Moonlight Sonata - An old collapsing family house, a lunatic is left unattended - over 3 pages he indulges in a bout of mania, the ending is to the point and a trifle heady.

Septimus Dale - The Little Girl Eater - The damage that can be borne from the tales of unthinking adults and the innocent belief in all things ghastly make this one a small beauty with a final bout of horror.

Rosemary Timperley - Harry - A stunning ghost story that tears at the soul as a scared parent fears the worst, a child is obsessed with a seemingly invisible friend and an underlying demand from beyond the grave that will not be denied.

Ray Russell - Sardonicus - The state of mind and its physical manifestations are uncovered in this work of genius that deals with mental fragility, cruelty, bitterness, greed and pure evil amongst other things - a timeless classic.

Robert Aickman - Ringing the Changes -  A honeymoon to a strange area, a persistent clamour of bells, the couple at the centre of the tale are given a warning of which they pay no heed - death is ready to walk and consume.

Hugh Reid - Dulcie -  A prostitute killer and the tale of his latest victim, sounds routine and predicable - not so, this is an absolute burst of gratuitous horror that avoids any subtlety and goes straight for the throat.

MS Waddell - The Importance of Remaining Ernest - Corruption within a lunatic asylum where an inmate tries to do his time and keep his head down - an impossible task and after a burst of brutal sadism the future looks pointless.

Joseph Payne Brennan - Slime - Purist B-Movie gunk that takes the form of a sable blob that duly eats all in its path - animals, rednecks, drunks etc.  It is pulped bilge and if taken as nothing more can be quite an enjoyable read. 
Adobe James - The Ohio Love Sculpture - Obsessed collectors of erotic art vie for a piece that has them truly awestruck - 3 young girls in a more than suggestive embrace.  The creator is a farmer who rebuffs all the attention is piece is getting - we soon find out why. 
Davis Grubb - The Horsehair Trunk - A fine piece regarding a fevered man who finds he can leave his body and create all kinds of mischief.  Add to this a vindictive nature, a wife who has a chance to escape with her lover and a killer end twist and this one will leave you thoroughly stunned.

Alex Hamilton - The Attic Express - An overpowering father becomes disgruntled at his son's indifference to his pride and joy - a model train set. Suddenly the boy is in charge of things and a shrunken father is stuck on an out of control train - is this the time for a revenge of sorts.

Elliott O'Donnell - The Haunted Telephone - A country doctor is called out to the house of a lady to administer a death certificate. All seems a matter of course until something is noted on the dead persons head - foul play is afoot.

Sir Frederick Treves - The Elephant Man - The most heart wrenching, tear jerking, emotive tale of the entire set and the fact that it deals with mans inhumanity, general prejudice and cruelty, and is indeed a true story, make this an utterly shocking read.  The surgeon and friend of the central character writes the tale with beauty.